Sunday, March 25, 2007

Travel Planning Update


What a weekend! Two great dates in two nights have distracted me from my mission but after fortifying with coffee and bacon I am back on track....did I mention that my date Saturday night was HOT! Sparks were pun intended. Hopefully there will be more to report on this front later ;)

Well I think fate is deciding on South America for my adventure....The plane tickets to and from China/Nepal are around $5K which is rather steep.

This looks like the trip that I will be taking. I may detour to Brazil for a few days to hang with a Homie but that is TBD. I am afraid that Tucker Max would make an apperance if I was in Rio for too long but maybe that is not a bad thing.

I will keep you guys posted.



Schmoe said...

Tucker Max showing up would be a great bonus, how in the world could that possibly be bad?

Sparky said...

LMAO, it just depends on what level of TMD that I achieve whilst in public.